Serial Barcode Reader

I have a serial barcode reader which I attached to my Solaris 10 workstation. I can see the barcode scanned data appearing when I do a tip hardwire.

Question is how can I enable the data to appear in command prompt or any text editor programs?

Thanks for the help

you can use the tool "script".

$ script <filename> tip hardwire

after finishing scaning data just press "ctrl+c" and all the data is in the file.

Hi DukeNuke2,

Thanks for the reply. But this isn't what I have in mind.

Let me elaborate. I've some applications running and I need the scanned barcodes to appear in the fields where my cursor is. That is, instead of using the keyboard as a input device, I would use the barcode reader.

I have seen it done with a hardware keyboard wedge connection, i.e. barcode reader and keyboard connected together. But in my case, I got a USB keyboard and serial (RS-232) barcode reader.

this is what i've answered...