serach and replace a specific pattern or value in a xml file

can some one help me with a perl command

i have to search and replace a version from a xml-file
so i use in a ksh script a command like this
ssh $GLB_ACC@$GLB_HOST "/usr/contrib/bin/perl -pi -e "s/$curVersion/$new_Version/g" $Dest_dir/epi.xml"

this command worked so far, but the problem i found is when curLine is 10.0.0
where curVersion=10.0.0 and new_Version= 10.0.1

since with this pattern they are some more entries like IP address ,etc.. which is matching the pattern

inside the xml file its specified as

how can i overcome the search and replace to only act on the above value
either by changing pattern ,etc.. any help please ??
i tried like this but no luck

ssh $GLB_ACC@$GLB_HOST "/usr/contrib/bin/perl -pi -e "s/value\>$curVersion\</value\>$new_Version\</g" $Dest_dir/epi.xml"

i want to know how can i search patter including "<" or ">"

I don't believe you need to escape the <.

So, in your example, try something like
