Separate sentences from two texts, combine them

I havet two books, one in Swedish, the other in English.
Two text files. I want to combine them into one, with each sentence having it's translation next to it.
Text file one.

Example sentence in English. Example 2 sentence 2 in English 2.
Text file two.

Examplo sentenco ino Languago. Examplo 2 sentenco2 ino 2 Languaguo 2.

I would like to combine them into one text that reads

result file
Example sentence in English.
Examplo sentenco ino Languago.
Example 2 sentence 2 in English 2.
Examplo 2 sentenco2 ino 2 Languaguo 2.
Right now I am trying to separate the texts into sentences with sed and for simplicity's sake im going to look for sentences as something that ends with a period.

and then connect the lines read from both files with a "for i in $ " bash loop
But I havent done anything more then simple subsitutions, so this is over my head.


awk -v RS='\\.' 'NR==FNR{a[NR]=$0;next}{print a[FNR];print}' file1 file2

Thank you!
Looks Like i have to figure out to pre-format the text before I sort it,
need to look into line breaks and such.
Right now some sentences are garbled but I dont think its the regex problem