Sentence delimiter in perl: modifications needed

I found this Perl Script on the EuroParl website which does Sentence Splitting.

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Based on Preprocessor written by Philipp Koehn

binmode(STDIN, ":utf8");
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");

use FindBin qw($Bin);
use strict;

my $mydir = "$Bin/nonbreaking_prefixes";

my $language = "en";
my $QUIET = 0;
my $HELP = 0;

while (@ARGV) {
	$_ = shift;
	/^-l$/ && ($language = shift, next);
	/^-q$/ && ($QUIET = 1, next);
	/^-h$/ && ($HELP = 1, next);

if ($HELP) {
    print "Usage ./split-sentences.perl (-l [en|de|...]) < textfile > splitfile\n";
if (!$QUIET) {
	print STDERR "Sentence Splitter v3\n";
	print STDERR "Language: $language\n";

my $prefixfile = "$mydir/nonbreaking_prefix.$language";

#default back to English if we don't have a language-specific prefix file
if (!(-e $prefixfile)) {
	$prefixfile = "$mydir/nonbreaking_prefix.en";
	print STDERR "WARNING: No known abbreviations for language '$language', attempting fall-back to English version...\n";
	die ("ERROR: No abbreviations files found in $mydir\n") unless (-e $prefixfile);

if (-e "$prefixfile") {
	open(PREFIX, "<:utf8", "$prefixfile");
	while (<PREFIX>) {
		my $item = $_;
		if (($item) && (substr($item,0,1) ne "#")) {
			if ($item =~ /(.*)[\s]+(\#NUMERIC_ONLY\#)/) {
			} else {
				$NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$item} = 1;

##loop text, add lines together until we get a blank line or a <p>
my $text = "";
while(<STDIN>) {
	if (/^<.+>$/ || /^\s*$/) {
		#time to process this block, we've hit a blank or <p>
		print "<P>\n" if (/^\s*$/ && $text); ##if we have text followed by <P>
		$text = "";
	else {
		#append the text, with a space
		$text .= $_. " ";
#do the leftover text
&do_it_for($text,"") if $text;

sub do_it_for {
	my($text,$markup) = @_;
	print &preprocess($text) if $text;
	print "$markup\n" if ($markup =~ /^<.+>$/);

sub preprocess {
	# clean up spaces at head and tail of each line as well as any double-spacing
	$text =~ s/ +/ /g;
	$text =~ s/\n /\n/g;
	$text =~ s/ \n/\n/g;
	$text =~ s/^ //g;
	$text =~ s/ $//g;
	#this is one paragraph
	my($text) = @_;
	#####add sentence breaks as needed#####
	#non-period end of sentence markers (?!) followed by sentence starters.
	$text =~ s/([?!]) +([\'\"\(\[\�\�\p{IsPi}]*[\p{IsUpper}])/$1\n$2/g;
	#multi-dots followed by sentence starters
	$text =~ s/(\.[\.]+) +([\'\"\(\[\�\�\p{IsPi}]*[\p{IsUpper}])/$1\n$2/g;
	# add breaks for sentences that end with some sort of punctuation inside a quote or parenthetical and are followed by a possible sentence starter punctuation and upper case
	$text =~ s/([?!\.][\ ]*[\'\"\)\]\p{IsPf}]+) +([\'\"\(\[\�\�\p{IsPi}]*[\ ]*[\p{IsUpper}])/$1\n$2/g;
	# add breaks for sentences that end with some sort of punctuation are followed by a sentence starter punctuation and upper case
	$text =~ s/([?!\.]) +([\'\"\(\[\�\�\p{IsPi}]+[\ ]*[\p{IsUpper}])/$1\n$2/g;
	# special punctuation cases are covered. Check all remaining periods.
	my $word;
	my $i;
	my @words = split(/ /,$text);
	$text = "";
	for ($i=0;$i<(scalar(@words)-1);$i++) {
		if ($words[$i] =~ /([\p{IsAlnum}\.\-]*)([\'\"\)\]\%\p{IsPf}]*)(\.+)$/) {
			#check if $1 is a known honorific and $2 is empty, never break
			my $prefix = $1;
			my $starting_punct = $2;
			if($prefix && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$prefix} && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$prefix} == 1 && !$starting_punct) {
				#not breaking;
			} elsif ($words[$i] =~ /(\.)[\p{IsUpper}\-]+(\.+)$/) {
				#not breaking - upper case acronym	
			} elsif($words[$i+1] =~ /^([ ]*[\'\"\(\[\�\�\p{IsPi}]*[ ]*[\p{IsUpper}0-9])/) {
				#the next word has a bunch of initial quotes, maybe a space, then either upper case or a number
				$words[$i] = $words[$i]."\n" unless ($prefix && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$prefix} && $NONBREAKING_PREFIX{$prefix} == 2 && !$starting_punct && ($words[$i+1] =~ /^[0-9]+/));
				#we always add a return for these unless we have a numeric non-breaker and a number start
		$text = $text.$words[$i]." ";
	#we stopped one token from the end to allow for easy look-ahead. Append it now.
	$text = $text.$words[$i];
	# clean up spaces at head and tail of each line as well as any double-spacing
	$text =~ s/ +/ /g;
	$text =~ s/\n /\n/g;
	$text =~ s/ \n/\n/g;
	$text =~ s/^ //g;
	$text =~ s/ $//g;
	#add trailing break
	$text .= "\n" unless $text =~ /\n$/;
	return $text;

The script reads from a language file (attached as a zipped file) located separately in a folder


and then splits the sentence accurately.
However there are two issues which need to be solved.

a. It so happens that in quite a few corpora (especially news corpora), the full-stop is inadvertently forgotten and there is a simple hard return as in the example below.

The easily accessible drug was being widely used by school and college students as revealed by Dr. Yusuf Merchant
With the ban on the drug, Dr Yusuf Merchant, the man who first brought it to public notice has heaved a sigh of relief
Dr Merchant had filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) asking for a ban on the drug.

In that case the script treats the text as an absence of a full-stop and instead of retaining the the two lines separately, conjoins them in one running sentence.

The easily accessible drug was being widely used by school and college students as revealed by Dr. Yusuf Merchant With the ban on the drug, Dr Yusuf Merchant, the man who first brought it to public notice has heaved a sigh of relief Dr Merchant had filed a Public Interest Litigation (PIL) asking for a ban on the drug.

How do I make PERL introduce a hard return as a sentence delimiter in the script. I have tried to insert the hex values of a hard return

0A  or 0D 

but they do not seem to do the trick.

My second query is pertinent to other languages such as Indic where characters such as
are used as sentence delimiters.
In case I want to insert these as such where do I insert them. I inserted it at
line 109
# add breaks for sentences that end with some sort of punctuation are followed by a sentence starter punctuation and upper case

	$text =~ s/([?!\.]) +([\'\"\(\[\�\\�\p{IsPi}]+[\ ]*[\p{IsUpper}])/$1\n$2/g;

But to no avail.
I am providing a test sentence below:


Any solution to these two issues would be of great help. Since the script is in OpenSource it would help other users also because I would be putting up the script with these modifications with due acknowledgement on the Moses site.
Could anybody provide a solution please. Thank you.