Sendmail with HTML body and attachment

I have an HTML file I am currently sending in the body of an email. I now have a need to send a csv attachment along with it. I can ONLY use sendmail as mutt and xmail etc are not on the server.

Here is what I am currently using: It is possible to add code to add an attachment ??!?

       echo "From: $FROM"
       echo "To: $MAILTO"
       echo "Subject: Blah blah blah"
#        echo "MIME-Version: 1.0"
#        echo "Content-Type: text/html"
#        echo "Content-Disposition: inline"
#        cat myhtmlfile.html
#} | /usr/sbin/sendmail $MAILTO

My csv attachment sits in the same dir... e.g. myattachment.csv

##this will send three attachments

SUBJ="Send mail from Unix with file attachments"
cat << !
To : ${TO}
Subject : ${SUBJ}
Cc : ${CC}

cat << !
This sample E-mail message demonstrates how one can attach
files when sending messages with the Unix sendmail utility.

uuencode ${file_1} ${file_1}
uuencode ${file_2} ${file_2}
uuencode ${file_3} ${file_3}

) | sendmail -v ${TO} ${CC} 

if still it is not working try this mailx :

(uuencode a.txt a.txt ; echo "this is body text " )| mailx -m -s

Thanks..... but the body of the email needs to be HTML and not txt.

SUBJ="Send mail from Unix with file attachments"
cat << !
To : ${TO}
Subject : ${SUBJ}
Cc : ${CC}

cat << !
##this is body message
##you may paste the html body in here or use the below if the html body exist in a file
`cat body.html`


uuencode ${file_1} ${file_1}
uuencode ${file_2} ${file_2}
uuencode ${file_3} ${file_3}

) | sendmail -v ${TO} ${CC}

Thanks... Will try this.. Correct me if im wrong though but will this not set the body of the text to the source html e.g. <html><header>This is html... etc etc ?

It should appear in new line.

Thanks for this..... but the HTML is displaying as text and not HTML... any idea ?

##this is body message
##you may paste the html body in here or use the below if the html body exist in a file

MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html

<table><td><b><u><font .................

BOUNDARY='=== This is the boundary between parts of the message. ==='
SUBJECT="whatever Report"

print -  "To: $TO <${ADDRESS}>"
if [[ -n $SUBJECT ]] ; then
 print -  'Subject:' $SUBJECT
 print -  'MIME-Version: 1.0'
 print -  'Content-Type: MULTIPART/MIXED; '
 print -  '    BOUNDARY='\"$BOUNDARY\"
 print -
 print -  '        This message is in MIME format.  But if you can see this,'
 print -  "        you aren't using a MIME aware mail program.  You shouldn't "
 print -  '        have too many problems because this message is entirely in'
 print -  '        ASCII and is designed to be somewhat readable with old '
 print -  '        mail software.'
 print -
 print -  "--${BOUNDARY}"
 print -  'Content-Type: TEXT/HTML; charset=US-ASCII'
 print -
 cat $BODY
 print -
 print -
 print -  "--${BOUNDARY}"
 print -  'Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII; name='${ATTACHMENT}
 print -  'Content-Disposition: attachment;   filename='whatever.csv
 print -
 print -
 print -  "--${BOUNDARY}--"
 } | /usr/lib/sendmail $ADDRESS