Sendmail issue

Hi gurus!
I need help to make sendmail to accept unknown user mail. That is if the user does not exist sendmail keep on processing the mail and store it in a some mailbox ...
Thanks for any idea!

:smiley: if you are using linux you should have an application called mutt installed on your system. a vary upto date mail system, some what like vi and emacs, that should help you organize and perform necessary tasks on all your email,, input and output. just type mutt and make the necessary changes to suite your needs..

It appears to me that you want to set up a "catch-all" e-mail account.

You'll could look into using a virtualusertable seeing as you're using Sendmail.

Search google and the sendmail site for "catch all" and "virtualusertable" and you should find the information required to implement this.

Personally, I'd say if somebody sends e-mail to a non-existent address and it's bounced back, then that's a GoodThing(TM). At least that way the original sender knows they've hit a non existent mailbox, and would (if they're savvy) e-mail the postmaster (which'd probably end up being aliased to root anyway) asking for the correct e-mail address. My 2p....

BTW - Moxxx - Mutt is just a mail client. You cannot use Mutt for configuring sendmail! Mutt reads your e-mail, and lets you compose messages, reply, etc. Sendmail is a MTA, mutt definitely is not!


:smiley: my bad just quoting something I had read the other day on emails. and so on... a little cryptic i'd say!
i just wanted to add that there are some high tech email client applications being developed that i read about in the same book that were mentioning something to the point of in the development an so on other wise I looked it up and it is sendmail I was trying to refer to as a MTA.. so you are actually 100% right according to this book that i am reading and what it is claiming. Rute users Tutorial and Expo by Paul sheer.. not an easy book but very informative. atleast I have learned something new today..:rolleyes: :smiley:

He he, thanks guys!
this site is a goldmine of informations (and you the members also :slight_smile:

Finaly found it after hours of sweating ( & googling :slight_smile: ) :\#LUSER