sendmail : connect local host (brocken)

hi there

I've got a strange problem with a webserver box (suse linux 7.2). My MTA is sendmail, and when I tried manually send a mail.

Sendmail -v "user@something" < /etc/hosts

The Server tried
"simon@localhost... Connecting to local..." but nothing happend and the system hold on.

This happend to every mailadresse.

Incomming mails from an other server stay in the mque and won't send to the local user.

why could this happen? What's wrong? I don't see the solutions for this problem.

BTW webmin gives in the mque list a description to this holded mails: " operations system error"

thanks for your help!

best regrards,

it seems sendmail can't find it route.

things to check for is to make sure
your loop back address is in the /etc/hosts file

that is localhost

Make sure sendmail is listen to port 25
netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep 25

test sendmail by

telnet localhost 25

if you get through port 25 that means sendmail is listen the issue

helo localhost
you should received code 220 meaning ready. if you
received any other code then sendmail is not responding. check sendmail log file or any dead.letter file for clues

in case sendmail is not responding issue
ps -ef |grep sendmail
kill -9 PID
restart sendmail
sendmail -bd -q15m

Since mail are queued on server is highly unlikely to be DNS problem but just to sure make you could resolve your domainname and Mx record
you could use the nslookup command

strange... i've tried to connect to port 25, but yet I dont get any response. stupid!

Port 25 listen, but under ????I have to look at it


kind regards

I used the command and get this results

server104:/etc # netstat -an | grep -i listen | grep 25
tcp 0 0* LISTEN

I think this should be ! That's loopback, other I could connect to localhost especially the sendmail MTA.

How could I change this?
