Sendmail config error: Warning: program unsafe

I trying to to run RT 3.6.7 on Solaris 10. I am using Sendmail v. 8.13.8. I'm using this guide from Sun:

uname -a
SunOS vpd1tst1no 5.10 Generic_127111-11 sun4u sparc SUNW,Sun-Fire-V215

I have RT installed and running, using Apache, MySQL, OpenSSL. rt-mailgate basically is setup as an alias for sendmail. Sendmail accepts mail, pipes it to rt-mailgate(RT), and that parses it to an httpd process using perl, which ultimately creates a trouble ticket in the RT application. However my problem lies with 'RT' receiving mail from Sendmail. I believe I have a sendmail configuration problem.

I send mail via the command line:

"sendmail -v General" (General is the name of an alias in /etc/mail/aliases)

and the mail piped to RT shows this (/var/adm/messages):

Aug 21 14:26:16 vpd1tst1no sm-mta[8091]: [ID 801593] m7LKQGhW008090: Warning: program /usr/lib/smrsh unsafe: No such file or directory
Aug 21 14:26:16 vpd1tst1no last message repeated 1 time
Aug 21 14:26:16 vpd1tst1no sm-mta[8091]: [ID 801593 mail.crit] m7LKQGhW008090: SYSERR(root): Cannot exec /usr/lib/smrsh : No such file or directory
Aug 21 14:26:16 vpd1tst1no last message repeated 1 time

Now I understand sendmail uses its restricted shell when an alias instructs it to pipe to a program. Sendmail is configured to use smrsh, and I have placed a symlink and/or copy of rt-mailgate in /var/adm/sm.bin.... which is sendmail's authorized programs directory. But still the above error occurs.

I've reconfigured to use /bin/bash instead of /usr/lib/smrsh instead, without success. Permissions on smrsh look okay as far as I know. I still get the same result...just now with the different shell reference:

Aug 21 15:15:43 vpd1tst1no sm-mta[8171]: [ID 801593] m7LLFgpJ008170: Warning: program /bin/bash unsafe: No such file or directory
Aug 21 15:15:43 vpd1tst1no last message repeated 1 time
Aug 21 15:15:43 vpd1tst1no sm-mta[8171]: [ID 801593 mail.crit] m7LLFgpJ008170: SYSERR(root): Cannot exec /bin/bash : No such file or directory
Aug 21 15:15:43 vpd1tst1no last message repeated 1 time

I've checked my $PATH to make sure it can find /usr/lib/smrsh or /bin/bash (even though its pretty hard to miss those). I've tried sending mail as root, and both as a regular user. I've also included the DontBlameSendmail flags, in the sendmail config, to ease up on the security configuration parameters of sendmail itself. Still no luck.

I am able to send mail successfully to local users.

Also, when I run the RT program with sendmail's shell outside of sending an email with sendmail, it runs properly, however doesn't have any flags to pass an email to it via STDIN.

# smrsh -c | /usr/local/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate --queue General --action correspond --url https://localhost/
Usage: smrsh -c command
/usr/local/rt3/bin/rt-mailgate: no message passed on STDIN!

Any thoughts on the warning: program unsafe errors sendmail is throwing?

I think it's looking for the program in a different location than you assume. It uses a chroot and the paths should be relative to the directory which is the root directory of the chroot.