sendmail aliases not being honored

Running sendmail Version 8.12.10+Sun on Solaris 9.

I need to send mail from this server (serverA) to the mail server (Mserver), which will relay the message to the correct user. If I specify the user specifically, as in:

mailx -s"test"

It works perfectly and the message is delivered. But if I try to use an alias, sendmail never expands the alias and just tries to send the mail as the alias. For example, in /etc/mail/aliases I have an entry that says:

But it gets sent out like this:

Probably you have already doen this, but did you remember to rebuild the alias database after updating the aliases file?

Yes, I have run newaliases.

Check your access database (/etc/mail/access*) - you probably have to 'tell' sendmail you will accept mail from serverA. You can verify this by running the same command you posted and use as the rcpt (I doubt that is in your /etc/mail/access file since it isn't a real domain)

From some old notes I have, you would update the /etc/mail/access file, then run makemap hash /etc/mail/access < /etc/mail/access to build the /etc/mail/access.db. Then restart sendmail. This would be done on your Mserver.

I dont have access to the mail relay server. But I do know that it accepts email from my server (serverA), because if I send an email to a specific address, such as, it works. The only problem is the aliases. My server doesnt honor aliases and instead tries to send to Mserver as

One update:

 /usr/lib/sendmail -bv root
root... deliverable: mailer relay, host, user

So I can see that the problem is on my machine, serverA. I just can't figure out why the aliases wont work.

What does "ls -l /etc/mail/alias* /usr/lib/sendmail" give you?

ls -l /etc/mail/alias* /usr/lib/sendmail
-rw-r--r--   1 root     bin          399 Jan 10 14:56 /etc/mail/aliases
-rw-r-----   1 root     smmsp      40960 Jan 10 14:55 /etc/mail/aliases.db
-r-xr-sr-x   1 root     smmsp     976724 Sep 23  2003 /usr/lib/sendmail*

Then check /etc/mail/ - O AliasFile=/etc/aliases
or O AliasFile=/etc/mail/aliases

If it's /etc/aliases, make sure there is a link for it to /etc/mail/aliases.

Those file permissions match what I have. How about:
grep aliases /etc/nsswitch.conf

I think youre onto something. I thought that sendmail checks the /etc/mail/aliases file by default. Anyways I looked and it was commented out, so I uncommented it and saved the file. Then I ran newaliases and got this. I must have something misconfigured.

/etc/mail/aliases: line 11: MAILER-DAEMON... cannot alias non-local names
/etc/mail/aliases: line 12: postmaster... cannot alias non-local names
/etc/mail/aliases: line 13: nobody... cannot alias non-local names
/etc/mail/aliases: line 15: root... cannot alias non-local names
/etc/mail/aliases: line 17: some-admins... cannot alias non-local names
/etc/mail/aliases: 0 aliases, longest 0 bytes, 0 bytes total

# grep aliases /etc/nsswitch.conf
aliases: files

OK so I found this on the sendmail FAQ:

So I added A to the flags after F=.

It now looks like this:

Mlocal,         P=/bin/mail, F=lsDFM5qPrmn9A, S=EnvFromL/HdrFromL, R=EnvToL/HdrToL,
                A=mail -d $u

Ran newaliases and it worked fine. Sent an email to root and I got the same error. However:

 /usr/lib/sendmail -bv root deliverable: mailer relay, host, user deliverable: mailer relay, host, user

Replying to myself once again.

I was reading up on sunsolve and found that I cannot use aliases unless I am running the sendmail daemon. I neglected to mention earlier on in the thread that I was not running the daemon, which probably would have tipped you guys off. My apologies for that. Here's a link to the Sunsolve article