Sending find command results to email

This is probably simple so forgive me...

I just want to find all files in a folder created within the last 10 minutes...
This is easy:

# find /home/folder -cmin -10

If the find command locates any files created in the last ten minutes I want it to send an email alert.

I just want to script this so it runs as a cron job every 10 minutes. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advanced.

  1. sendmail to send message, title and destination in command line, content in stdin.

    cat message | /usr/lib/sendmail -s "title" foo@bar

  2. cron, use crontab to set up job

Depending on the system you may have to find the correct version of "sendmail" or use "mailx".

# find home/folder -cmin -10 | echo <email message> |mutt -s <email subject> <email address>

This always send an email whether or not any files are found that were created in the last 10 minutes. I want it to only send an email if it finds a file created in the last 10 minutes.

Thanks again for any help.

This works but it's probably sloppy and the only way so far I could do it (OK I'm new)
# find files created in last 10 minutes and, if found, email an alert


find /home/folder -cmin -10 >test.txt #find files created in last 10 minutes and output to test.txt


if [ -s /folder/folder/test.txt ] # is text.txt > 0?

echo <email message> |mutt -s <subject> <email address>

echo stop
