Send mail using attachment

Hi All,

I need to send mail with attachment. I am using uuencode but it seems it is sending encoded file. I am getting the mail with attachment but there is no data even the file size is almost 90KB. Please help.


What Operating System and version are you using? What Shell to you use?

Please post your code, blotting anything confidential (like email addresses) with X's . Please make it clear whether the attachment is a simple unix text file or something else and what software you are using to read the mail.

I've done this before, I will forget to add the filename portion of the command

uuencode file_location file_name | mail -s "Subject" recipient recipient

There is a detailed example in this post:
Notice that some Linux posters use mail and unix posters and some other Linux posters use mailx because on their systems the mail command is the old unix mail syntax.
Many others invoke sendmail directly.