send mail attachment to lotus notes

Hi All,
We have requirement to send lotus notes email attachment to mutiple users.
Each user has a separate file name ,but the file name and mail id will be same
please help urgent


The file names are identical but unique?

Do you mean send mail to a bunch of users?

for user in tom dick harry; do
  uuencode $user/identical.pdf | mailx -s "Your personal PDF" $

This assumes you have three users, and three directories named after those users. So it will send tom/identical.pdf to, dick/identical.pdf to, and harry/identical.pdf to

If this is not what you wanted, perhaps you can explain in more detail.

See also the FAQ: How do I send email? - The UNIX Forums

Update: Apparently Lotsa Nuts doesn't grok uuencode so you will need something like

Yeah, Notes is finicky when it comes to 'uuencode'. One way 'round is to tar up file(s) first and then uuencode it - something along these lines:

for user in tom dick harry; do
  tar cvf /tmp/$user_identical.tar $user/identical.pdf
  ( uuencode /tmp/$user_identical.tar /tmp/$user_identical.tar) | mailx -s "Your personal PDF" $
  \rm -rf /tmp/$user_identical.tar 2>/dev/null

Or of course with multiple attachments!