Send email to user when condition met

Hi all,
I plan to write a shell script to inform users on their task when certain condition met.

example: If a
then email user on action a
email user on action b.

I'm pretty new in scripting, appreciate any suggestions.

What shell are you using?

Bourne shell

start with something like this maybe:


# email a message
#  $1 = action
#  $2 = count
#  $3=

    echo "Action: $1  count: $2" | \
     /usr/bin/mailx -s "Action notification" "$3"


if [ $action = "A" ] ; then
    email_it  "ACTION WAS A"  42  ""
    email_it  "ACTION WAS B"  42  ""

Thanks a lot, I had get it done. Another question, the sender of the file will be Super-User <root@hostname>. I wish to change the root to the name of the script I wrote. Is it possible to do so? Thanks.