Semaphore Error


Getting the following error while starting any application on solaris server(Sun-Fire-880)
[14/Jul/2006:07:45:27] WARNING ( 357): CORE3283: stderr: 357: CSemCounter created a semaphore with ID 1442787 using key 989897871.
[14/Jul/2006:07:45:27] WARNING ( 357): CORE3283: stderr: 357: RemoveSem removed semaphore 1442787.
[14/Jul/2006:07:45:27] WARNING ( 357): CORE3283: stderr: 357: InitSem created a semaphore with ID 65708 using key 1008209174.

Kindly provide the reason for cause this and solution so that we can avoid such stituation in future.


These don't look like errors... more like debug messages. Note that the log level is at 'WARNING'.
Which application is this? If it has been developed in-house, maybe you could contact the dev team and check with them?