sed working on command line but file unchanged when execute with Shell script

I have a simple task to replace unix line feed end of line characters with carriage returns.

When I run the following �change file in place� sed instruction from the command line all the Line feeds are successfully replaced with Carriage returns.

sed -i 's/$/\r/' lf_file.txt

But that same command when run within a shell the file remains unchanged.
Within the shell I do change directory first and tried a fully qualified path as well.
I also tried having sed create an new file with carriage returns with the same negative results.

I have a feeling has something do with standard in or standard out.

Do I need some sort of redirect, pipe or here document when invoking the sed command within the shell?

I recall needing to some like this years ago with a similar command.

This GNU sed script is not replacing line feeds, but placing carriage return character in front of the linefeeds, effectively making it Windows format..

With regards to it not working "within a shell". I do not understand that you mean by that. Do you mean a shell script?
What is your OS and version?