sed or tr to remove specific group of special characters

I have a input of the form:
..., word1, word2, word3...

I want out put of the form
word1, word2, word3

I tried echo '..., word1, word2, word3...' | tr -d '...,'

but that takes out the commas in the middle too so I get

word1 word2 word3

but I want the commas in the middle.

So help and Thanks

If you are trying to delete literal dots (...) and not something else:

echo '..., word1, word2, word3...' | sed 's/\.\.\.,*//g'
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tr -d deletes all occurances of the list of characters it gets eg try tr -d ',123' and see what it does.

sed is probably the way to go here try:

echo '..., word1, word2, word3...' | sed 's/^\.\.\., //'
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Thanks, it worked when I took out the ^