sed or awk, cut, to extract specific data from line

Hi guys,

I have been trying to do this, but... no luck so maybe you can help me.

I have a line like this:

Total Handled, Received, on queue Input Mgs: 140 / 14 => 0

I need to, get the number after the / until the =, to get only 14 .

Any help is greatly appreciated.


May be like this:

awk -F/ '/Total Handled/{print $2+0}' file

hmm, that one it is just returning 0.

elixir_sinari's solution should work.

You can also try using:

awk '/Total Handled/ { for(i=0;i<NF;i++) if($i=="/") print $(i+1); } ' infile

Thanks guys, this last one works like a charm.