SED, match a line block

I want to do a simple substitution using sed but I can't find a solution. Basically, from a Apache conf file, I would like to remove everything included between the <VirtualHost> and </VirtualHost> e.g

SSLMutex  file:/var/run/ssl_mutex
<VirtualHost _default_:443>
# A lot of config that I don't want
#another config

So the result I want is everything withtout the VirtualHost part:

SSLMutex  file:/var/run/ssl_mutex
#another config

I tried:

gsed -e "s#<VirtualHost.*</VirtualHost>##g" /tmp/test

but it does not match the line block :frowning:

Any ideas ?


sed '/<VirtualHost/d' input_file

Try with awk...

awk '/<VirtualHost/,/VirtualHost>/{next}1' infile

Or sed...

sed '/<VirtualHost/,/VirtualHost>/d' infile

try this

sed -e 's/\<Virtualhost[^$]+\<\/VirtualHost\>//g' /tmp/test

ok ! Thanks for the fast answer.

only this code doesnt work..
let try this like

sed -e '/<VirtualHost/d' -e '/^\# A/d' myfile

this code doesnt work..

+ isnt unnecessary..this character doesnt merge multilines in sed..
for multi line edit use N :wink:

or with + use extended regular expression with r

sed -r '/<VirtualHost._+/d' test | sed -r '/<VirtualHost>.?/d' | sed -e '/# A/d'
SSLMutex  file:/var/run/ssl_mutex
#another config

Posix basic regular expression syntax without -r option (instead of use extended regular expressions)

sed -e '/<VirtualHost.\+/d' -e '/<VirtualHost>\?/d' test | sed -e '/# A/d'
SSLMutex  file:/var/run/ssl_mutex
#another config
