sed issues with strange char

Hi all,

I try to create a shell script to had the xiti tag at the end of servals web pages just before the <body/> tag.

here is my script :


rm -R /home/hibern/TEMP/hibern
cp -R /home/hibern/TEMP/hibernorig /home/hibern/TEMP/hibern

cat << EOF > /tmp/xiti.tmp
Xt_param = 's=279747&p=';\
try {Xt_r = top.document.referrer;}\
catch(e) {Xt_r = document.referrer; }\
Xt_h = new Date();\
Xt_i = '<img width="39" height="25" border="0" alt="" ';\
Xt_i += 'src="'+Xt_param;\
Xt_i += '&hl='+Xt_h.getHours()+'x'+Xt_h.getMinutes()+'x'+Xt_h.getSeconds();\
document.write(Xt_i+'&ref='+Xt_r.replace(/[<>"]/g, '').replace(/&/g, '$')+'" title="Internet Audience">');\
Mesure d'audience ROI statistique webanalytics par <img width="39" height="25" src="" alt="WebAnalytics" />\

for file in `find  /home/hibern/TEMP/hibern -name '*.html' -print`

export m_tag=`cat /tmp/xiti.tmp`

sed -e 's/<body>/'$m_tag'/g' "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv -f "$file".tmp "$file"

and here is my error :frowning:

sed: -e expression #1, char 39: unterminated `s' command

thanks in advance for your help


sed -e 's/<body>/'"$m_tag"'/g' "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv -f "$file".tmp "$file"


Check this

sed -e 's/<body>/${m_tag}/g' "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv -f "$file".tmp "$file"



sed -e "s/<body>/${m_tag}/g" "$file" > "$file".tmp && mv -f "$file".tmp "$file"

Drop all the single quotes and use double quotes. Remember, single quotes disable parameter expansion. See the following

[/tmp]$ a='some text'
[/tmp]$ echo $a
some text
[/tmp]$ echo '$a'
[/tmp]$ echo "$a"
some text

Thanks for your answer, but it's not working :frowning:

i tried line by line the and i thing this is due to { char. (that' for some thing like a macro)

i have tried with \{ but the probl�me still their :frowning:

Thanks for your help, my issue is solved, here is the code :