sed help required

Hi All,

I have one file with below type of data in it,

$ cat test.txt

Here I would like to replace all the characters with "x" after the 3 "###" with the same number of characters.

Can you please help me to achieve this.

can you post the output you are expecting?

After masking output will look like below,

awk -F# '{gsub(".","x",$NF)}1' OFS=# file
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Hi Franklin,

Thanks a lot it worked perfectly.

One more thing can these "###" retained ?

A sed version

sed '/^###/ s/./x/g' -e 's/^xxx/###/g' input_file

Through tr

tr '[a-z0-9]' 'X' < inputfile

If you have GNU sed

sed 's/./X/4g' inputfile
sed '/^###/s/[^#]/x/g' infile
$ cat tst
$ sed '/^###/s/[^#]/x/g' tst