Sed files in a Directory

Hello. I need to be able to run this sed command to all files named Object.obj in subfolders named Prop00 to Prop151 (hexadecimal) in the main folder convert. Please let me know if there is a solution to this problem.

sed 's!\o primary*!g primary!' /Users/username/Desktop/convert/Props00/Object.obj | sed 's!\o secondary*!g secondary!' > /Users/username/Desktop/convert/Props00/Object2.obj

rm -rf /Users/username/Desktop/convert/Props00/Object.obj

If anything is unclear, please let me know. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Try this...

find /Users/username/Desktop/convert/ -name "Object.obj" -type f -exec sh -c '\
sed "s!\o primary*!g primary!" {} | sed "s!\o secondary*!g secondary!" > `dirname {}`/Object2.obj; \
rm -rf {} \
' \;
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Getting an error:

find: -exec: no terminating ";" or "+"

sorry n updated...
try it...

Hmm close, but still seems to have errors:

sed: rm: No such file or directory
sed: -rf: No such file or directory

^These two errors are repeated for every Object.obj that is supposed to be removed

coz, sed and rm commands are not separated using ';' and sed is thinking rm and -rf to be the input files and searching for them in current directory...

@bluesolo, you have mentioned

directories under convert..

Provide us the possible directories list ..

The problem is solved already, but thank you for replying.