sed beginner question

I am processing data. In the first column there is the date ("2011 02 03 12 45") separated by space and follow I have the measurements.I have several days in one file. What I would like to do is:
to read the data line by line and write the data of "today" in a new file and "yesterday" as well in another file, separated by TAB and the date should be in the form of "2011/02/03 12:45:00".(today and yesterday is already defined in another script).
something like that I thought it might be an approach but I am just beginning to write scripts...

for filename in 11111 22222
grep "^$filename" *.txt | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/ /    /g' > $folder\/$filename\/$filename\_$yesterday.txt
grep "^$filename" *.txt | /usr/bin/sed -e 's/ /        /g' > $folder\/$filename\/$filename\_$today.txt

hopefully someone can help me how to do it

Regards Jurgen

Please post an actual sample of your input and the requested output data. From the looks of your code it's not quite as described.

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ok... here is a sample of an input file and how the files should be divided into 2 outputfiles:

input file:Filename: 111

2011 02 03 17 00 220 11.3    6.4   9     993.3   5.4     
2011 02 03 16 00 250 11.8    6.4   9     994.6   7.7    
2011 02 02 20 00 240 10.8    4.0   7     994.5   9.4      
2011 02 02 19 00 240 12.4    4.2   7     994.6   9.1      
2011 02 02 18 00 240 11.8    3.8   7     994.4   9.9      


2011/02/03 17:00:00    220    11.3    6.4    9    993.3    5.4     
2011/02/03 16:00:00    250    11.8    6.4    9    994.6    7.7     

2011/02/02 20:00:00    240    10.8    4.0    7    994.5    9.4       
2011/02/02 19:00:00    240    12.4    4.2    7    994.6    9.1         
2011/02/02 18:00:00    240    11.8    3.8    7    994.4    9.9         

thanks for the reply

Well I'm just starting out too.
I think this would probably easier to handle w/ awk, but since I'm wrapping my head around sed I thought I would give it a go.
I've got some things to do, I'll be back and we'll see where you are.
Here's a start to get the data in the right way-

s/ /\//
s/ /\//
s/ /:/2
s/ /:00 /2

Now you just have to output it to the right places.

Have at it!

---------- Post updated at 04:28 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:25 PM ----------

Oh and run as a sed script, presuming the data is in awk-data, the command will look like this at the command prompt-
> sed -f sed-script4 < awk-data
With the contents of sed-script4 being what I posted above this.

no...sorry...i cant follow you at the moment...


Here a solution using 'perl'. The code uses the 'DateTime' module. Perhaps you need to install it from CPAN.

I suppose date is in format: YYYY MM DD. Tell me if I'm wrong because otherwise the script won't work.

Here my console session:

$ su -
# cpan
cpan> install DateTime
cpan> exit
# exit
$ ls -1
$ cat 111
2011 02 03 17 00 220 11.3    6.4   9     993.3   5.4     
2011 02 03 16 00 250 11.8    6.4   9     994.6   7.7    
2011 02 02 20 00 240 10.8    4.0   7     994.5   9.4      
2011 02 02 19 00 240 12.4    4.2   7     994.6   9.1      
2011 02 02 18 00 240 11.8    3.8   7     994.4   9.9
$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;
use DateTime;

die "Usage: $0 <infile>\n" unless @ARGV == 1;

open my $infile, "<", $ARGV[0] or die "Cannot open file $ARGV[0]: $!\n";

my $today = DateTime->now->ymd('/');
my $yesterday = DateTime->now->subtract( days => 1 )->ymd('/');

my $of = $ARGV[0] . "_" . $today;
$of =~ s|/||g;
open my $outfileToday, ">", $of or die "Cannot create output file: $!\n";
$of = $ARGV[0] . "_" . $yesterday;
$of =~ s|/||g;
open my $outfileYesterday, ">", $of or die "Cannot open output file: $!\n";

my ( $date, $hour, $outline );
my @f = ();
while ( <$infile> ) {
        @f = split;
        $date = join "/", @f[0..2];
        next unless $date eq $today || $date eq $yesterday;
        $hour = join( ":", @f[3..4] ) . ":00";
        $outline = join( " ", $date, $hour ) . "\t" . join( "\t", @f[5..$#f] );
        if ( $date eq $today ) {
                print $outfileToday "$outline\n";
        } else {
                print $outfileYesterday "$outline\n";
$ perl
Usage: <infile>
$ perl 111
$ ls -1
$ cat 111_20110202
2011/02/02 20:00:00     240     10.8    4.0     7       994.5   9.4
2011/02/02 19:00:00     240     12.4    4.2     7       994.6   9.1
2011/02/02 18:00:00     240     11.8    3.8     7       994.4   9.9
$ cat 111_20110203
2011/02/03 17:00:00     220     11.3    6.4     9       993.3   5.4
2011/02/03 16:00:00     250     11.8    6.4     9       994.6   7.7

I hope it can be useful for you.


1 Like

awk '{print $1"/"$2"/"$3"\t"$4":"$5":"$5"\t"$6"\t"$7"\t"$8"\t"$9"\t"$10"\t"11>"111_"$1$2$3}' urfile

thanks for your answer ....i will try shell solution?

---------- Post updated at 05:14 PM ---------- Previous update was at 05:13 PM ----------


something along these lines:
[COLOR=black][FONT=monospace] awk -f jur.awk myFile

   cout=FILENAME "_" $1$2$3
   if (cout!=out) {
   $1=$1 "/" $2 "/" $3
   $2=$4 ":" $5 ":" "00"
   gsub(/[  *]/, " ")
   print >out

use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk or gawk on Solaris.

nawk '{f=$1$2$3;print $1 "/" $2 "/" $3 " " $4 ":" $5 ":00" , $6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11> FILENAME "_" f }' OFS="\t" infile
awk '{f=FILENAME"_"$1$2$3}p!=f{close(p);p=f}{print $1"/"$2"/"$3" "$4":"$5":00",$6,$7,$8,$9,$10,$11>f}' OFS="\t" infile

Thanks for your help.If have done it on that way and the date format is ok:

for station in 62105 62081
 grep "^$yesterday" $station.txt  | sed -e 's/ /\//' -e 's/ /\//' -e 's/ /:/2' > output_today

  grep "^today" $station.txt    | sed -e 's/ /\//' -e 's/ /\//' -e 's/ /:/2' > output_yesterday

Now i just want to remove the blanks by Tab. The problem is that sometimes I have 1 backspace sometimes 2 or 3 or more between the columns and I have no idean how to solf the problem

something like that:

-e 's/ {*}/ /g'

but its not working

"it's not working" never helps. In what way is it "not working"? Is it doing nothing? Is it eating all space?

I might try sed -e 's/\t+/\t/g' to replace multiple tabs with one..

"its not working" means that it is doing nothing. the files are like the original files (separated with blanks not with tab), just the data format is correct.