sed awk to remove the , in a string

Dear All,

Can anyone help to remove the , bewteen "" in a string by using sed or awk?


input : 1,4,5,"abcdef","we,are,here",4,"help hep"
output:1,4,5,"abcdef","wearehere",4,"help hep"


Using awk:

awk '{for(i=2;i<=NF;i=i+2)gsub(",","",$i)}1' FS='"' OFS='"' file


It works!! Thanks

Using sed:

$ cat file
1,4,5,"abcdef","we,are,here",4,"help hep"

$ sed -r ':x s/("[^",]+),([^"]+")/\1\2/; tx' file
1,4,5,"abcdef","wearehere",4,"help hep"

$ sed ':x s_\("[^",]\+\),\([^"]\+"\)_\1\2_; tx' file
1,4,5,"abcdef","wearehere",4,"help hep"
$ echo '1,4,5,"abcdef","we,are,here",4,"help hep"' | sed -e :x -e 's/"\([^",]\{1,\}\),/"\1/g; tx'
1,4,5,"abcdef","wearehere",4,"help hep"

Yes, that's a better solution, a simpler solution. Thanks.

And of course you don't need the two -e expressions, they can be combined into one script.