sed.. Add new line after finding text

I know that this my be really simple, but I'm having a hard time accomplishing it. I am trying to add a new line of text after finding a particular string of text in a file. Here's what I'm getting:

sed: command garbled: N/search_string/\\new_text/

I was using "N" to add a line after the text. TIA.

try this ...

sed '/patternstring/ i\
new line string' file1

Please see a new line in the command between i\ and new string.

You could also use awk, which I find gives you a bit more control than sed in these situations

awk '{ if ( $0 ~ /searchstring/ ) {
          printf( "%s\n%s\n", "Some new inserted text here", $0 );
	  # could use the following to append
	  # printf( "%s\n%s\n", $0, "Some new appended text here" );
     } else {
          print $0;
}' my_input_file


Thank you, that worked like a charm. However, I just used a\ instead of i\ to insert the line after the search string.

sed '/patternstring/ a\
new line string' file1