Security broken


I had a Unixware 7.1.3 server, the clients are connect to server by telnet for to run an aplication. After the login and password, to appears the applications window main, when the client finish his work in that program the connection is out.

One client had been obtain to apears in the unix prompt, after the login window. How??? What I can to see? All log files are good.

Any idea?

Not much info here. But I will make a wild guess. When your clients connect, they probably use an account with a regular shell, like /usr/bin/sh. Then you depend on a .profile or other start-up file to send them to your application. If they hit interrupt fast enough, they can break out of the .profile. If this is your setup, you should change it. Make your application their shell. Then they go straight to it and there is no regular shell for them to break into.