Searching range of filenames witn and without numbers on the end

So I'm grepping for the following right now:

ls -la /somedirectory/*.log* | awk '{print $9}'

The problem with this is that I get the following output:


The problem is that I only need the following logfiles to show up in the search.


How would I modify my command above to only get these files?

Thanks in advance!


ls -1 /somedirectory/*.log /somedirectory/*.log.[0-1]

You don't say that you want to do anything else with these files, so there is no context for us to suggest anything else at the moment.

It might seem a flippant answer, but you've not really asked much.

Note that the flag is a numeric one rather than a lower case L.


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Thank you. This is exactly what I need. I haven't had much sleep lately, so I hit a simple wall on this one.

Join the club. Which four letter word is it - kids or work?


Both, and a three-letter word called "car." I had to do maintenance which involved removing the turbo, replacing some studs,and putting it all back.