searching multiple patterns in perl


I have code like:

Output it is comming as:

    Rels: WM2
    Rels: WG2
    Rels: 5
        - pre/
    Rels: 6
    Rels: 7
    Rels: 8
    Rels: 10
    Rels: Int

But i want only "Rels: 5" pattern Just above "- pre/".

By creating temp file i am able to do that. But i dont want to use temp file.


So, you want to go back from seeing line 4 to output line 3? Save the last Rel line in one variable and print it when you see the line.

Can u please tell me how to do it?

how about with awk?

awk '!/-pre\/{x=$0}/- pre\/{print x}' file

Actually i want it in perl. Please tell me in perl only.

Split your if-two-patterns into two if-one-patterns, the rel one saves in a variable (what rel am I in), the other prints that variable.

perl -ane 'if($_ =~ /Rels/) {$x = $_};if ($_ =  /.*prods\.pl/){print "$x"}' file1
Rels: 5

Thanks for the worked...