searching multiple lines and replacing in shell scripting


I have a file with below contents,

ssenthil = rw
anilkg = rw

I want to search for "ssenthil" and need to delete line 1 and 2 , if the third line starts with "[" or blank line.

I need to perform with following steps
1 - searching "ssenthil" and deleting the line.

2 -Now i want to delete by the option that the line starts and end with "[" and "]" respectively and blank line immediately and third line starts with "[" should delete the first two lines.

to get the output as below

anilkg = rw

Please help me .

Great day


I'm not sure I understood your problem correctly. Test next 'Perl' script. Perhaps it works:

$ cat
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;

@ARGV == 1 or die "Usage: perl $0 infile\n";
open my $fh, "<", $ARGV[0];
my ($flag, $line);

while ( <$fh> ) {
    if ( /^(?i:ssenthil)/ ) {
        $flag = 1;
    } else {
        print $line if defined $line && ! $flag;
    if ( $flag ) {
        $flag = 0;
        unless ( /^\[.*\]$/ || /^\s*$/ ) {
            print $line;
    $line = $_;

print $line;
$ perl infile
(Output supressed)


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Thanks dude
Its working great

Hi Dude,
I am struck up with another problem,Pls help me
I am new to perl , I have little knowledge only.

The scenario is
ssenthil = rw
anilkg = rw
@group1 = rw
anilkg = rw

your reply works perfectly well, but it deletes @group1, if the line matches "anilkg"

i need output as below

ssenthil = rw
@group1 = rw

will you pls suggest me?


For a new problem, please make a new post.

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Ok,, Will make it a new post and thanks for info