searching content of files in the current and sub directories

I was wondering why command 2 doesn't work like command 1 below.

find . -exec grep "test" '{}' \; -print

ls -R | grep "test"

I am trying to search "test" from all the files in the current and sub directories. What's wrong with my command 2?

Thanks in advance for your help

command 2 searches for filenames that have the string "test" as part of their name while command 1 searches for the string "test" inside each of the files.

ls -R | xargs grep "test"  #this makes command 2 like command 1

Hi shamrock
Thanks for your help

However the code you suggested
ls -R | xargs grep "test"

gives me a huge list with ending "No such file or directory".
grep: No such file or direcotory

Is it possible to only display the directory and file name when the text that I am searching is found?


try this :

find . | xargs grep -l "test"


For the "No such file or directory", it is becuase there are error messages print to the stand output, you can ignore them by adding


at the end of the command,which will stop printing all the error message to stand output which is our screen.