Searching a substring from a string in UNIX

Hi all.

I need help with a command to locate a substring from a string.

My problem is I am passing a direcotry name as a command line argument and I need to ensure that user should not pass certain directories.

E.g ther are Directories under ==> /opt/projects/* which should not be passed as a paramerter. Is there a way to achieve this?

Thanks in anticipation!

maybe check $1 if it contains string "/opt/projects/" else just continue.

case "$path" in
      /opt/projects/*)  dest="." ;;
      /some/*) dest="." ;;
cd $dest     

Much better is to set priviledges, for some special group or user and remove other priviledges

ex. remove all priviledges from group members and others
cd opt
chmod -R g-rwx projects
chmod -R o-rwx projects
=> only owner can do something

Thanks!! that worked!