Search string in multiple files and display column wise

I have 3 files. Each of those files have the same number of records, however certain records have different values. I would like to grep the field in ALL 3 files and display the output with only the differences in column wise and if possible line number


Name = Joe
Age = 33
Occupation = IT


Name = Joe
Age = 33
Occupation = Doctor


Name = Joe
Age = 33
Occupation = Engineer

So output after grepping for Occupation should look

File 1                     File 2                      File3

Occupation = IT    Occupation = Doctor    Occupation = Engineer

Any attempts / ideas / thoughts from your side? Preferred tools?

I also would love to see what you have tried to solve this problem on your own.

I think I have some code that does what you want, but I need to see that you've made an honest effort on your own before I post what I have...


Me too ... cheers, drl