Search multiple pattern from list

I am working on AIX operating system.

I want to search list of Article Id for given Set Date (which are present in a seperate file input.txt)


"Article ID"        |"Ad Description"     |"Pyramid"|"Pyramid Desc "|"ProductTypeId"|"Set Date  "|
"000000000010000000"|"christmas sales    "|"300010 "|"MISCELLANEOUS"|"40000085     "|"10/22/2013"|
"000000000010000000"|"Thanks giving sales"|"300010 "|"MISCELLANEOUS"|"40000085     "|"04/22/2013"|
"000000000010000008"|"description for ad "|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"10/22/2013"|
"000000000010000009"|"asdfdffdfdfdfdfdffd"|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"10/22/2013"|
"000000000010000569"|"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"09/26/2014"|
"000000000010000001"|"christmas sales    "|"300010 "|"MISCELLANEOUS"|"40000085     "|"10/22/2013"|
"000000000010000016"|"Thanks giving sales"|"300010 "|"MISCELLANEOUS"|"40000085     "|"05/17/2013"|
"000000000010000038"|"description for ad "|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"08/11/2013"|
"000000000010000009"|"asdfdffdfdfdfdfdffd"|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"10/22/2013"|
"000000000010000569"|"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"10/26/2013"|


10000000, 10/22/2013
10000569, 09/26/2014
10000038, 08/11/2013

Expected output is

"000000000010000000"|"christmas sales    "|"300010 "|"MISCELLANEOUS"|"40000085     "|"10/22/2013"|
"000000000010000569"|"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"09/26/2014"|
"000000000010000038"|"description for ad "|"300006 "|"GROCERY AND C"|"40000033     "|"08/11/2013"|

Why searching for the date, while you have the article ID?

But anyway... Tried IFS?

while read AID DAT;do
    grep $DAT art_list.csv

Hope this helps

Please use code tags as required by forum rules!

sea's proposal needs two small amendments to really print only the desired lines for the sample files given:

IFS=", "
while read AID DAT
    do     grep "$AID.*$DAT" art_list.csv
    done <input.txt

---------- Post updated at 19:13 ---------- Previous update was at 19:08 ----------

Try also:

grep -E $(tr ', \n' '.*|' < input.txt)"^$" art_list.csv

or use egrep . This may fail if there's too many items in your input file as it may exceed LINE_MAX.

# converting input.txt to a pipe-delimited file
sed 's/, /|/' input.txt >input.tmp
awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR{ A[$1,$2]; next }
{ OL=$0; gsub(/"0*|"$/,"",$1); gsub(/"/,"",$6); if (($1,$6) in A) print OL }
' input.tmp art_list.csv

The above is might be a more robust alternative for the grep command, since grep, in fact, doesn't really search for the article number (only) in the article column. E.g. if you had the value 10000000 somewhere in the ProductTypeId - for whatever the reason - grep would return that line too.