Search for string in a file and extract another string to a variable

Hi, guys. I have one question:

I need to search for a string in a file, and then extract another string from the file and assign it to a variable.

For example:

the contents of the file (group) is below:

I want to search for string "testing", then extract group id (2001) on the same line and assign it to a variable.

Can anybody help me with me question?

Thank you very much for your time in advance


Found the answer.

Please include your solution in the future to help others out...

FYI... the following should work. Note that the -F parameter is to specify a field separator, in this case, ":".

In a Bourne shell

MYVAR=`awk -F: '/testing/ { print $3 }' filename`
export MYVAR

why do you need to export?
Most likely the OPs meant this:

MYVAR=`awk -F: '$1 == "testing" { print $3;exit}' filename`

Hi, guys. Thanks for replying.

And I will add answer next. Apologize for that:)

Exactly, It work!

Meh... I'm too old school.. I always export for completeness... not necessary in this case, since all variables are internal to the script itself...

Good catch and good point.