search for key word and execute


I am writing a shell (after 6-7 months)that has to receive text from another shell, check if the first line in the text has a key word and then execute different shell.I could come up with the below program structure, please suggest me if there is a better way to do it or please help me with this script.

More deatails:

Have script1, arg1, Myscript (to be writen), triggerScript

# MyScript, should check for keyword inside the text output from script1 and execute triggerScript


searchText="`$script1 "arg1"`" (Need to get first line of the text out from script1.)

if [ grep for "Keyword" in $searchText && exists/True] ]
./tiggerScript (execute trigger script)

so you wanna search the keyword in the o/p of the script??
then redirect the o/p of the script to a variable or to a file(to be safe and more specific result) then grep for that word and rest is as you written

yes i want to search for a keyword. My intention was same but I keep getting errors. So was looking for help

what and where you are getting errors??

My trigger script was not getting executed even though I have a key word, If condition is not proper i guess. Plz suggest a generic If condition for my block of code.

can you post the exact code of yours??

grep -q "keyword" $search
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then
call your script here

this what I wrote, forgive me if there are blunders :slight_smile:

searchText="`$SCRIPT1 "$Args1"`" (Here i need to get first line from the script1 output which may have multiple text lines)

if [$searchTest|grep "keyword" >/dev/null] ]
/u01/../triggerScript "Arg2"

do few changes as shown

/u01/.././script1 >> SCRIPT1.txt
searchtext=`head -1 SCRIPT1.txt` #this will get the first line of the o/p of first script
echo "$searchtext"|grep -q "keyword" 
if [ $? -eq 0 ] ; then

/u01/../triggerScript "Arg2"


$SCRIPT1 $Args1 | head -1 | grep "$Args2" > /dev/null

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
  /u01/../triggerScript "Arg2"


+ Provide more descriptive argument names
+ SCRIPT1 variable is probably unnecessary. Just use the name explicitly.
+ /u01/../script1 -- means the script1 is in the / root directory. The ".." is certainly odd here.

+ You had 2 ]] 's.
+ I think you meant "searchText" in your grep line.

But just edit mine...

is there a way with out creating any auxiliary files in between coz this script which we write will be used by 100s of folks.I really appreciate your time and help.

it's not creating any auxiliary files....

but you can use "grep -q" instead of > /dev/null
if that was your concern.

thanks quirkasaurus.Sorry, I was addressing Vidhyadhar85.

Here is the corrected version, had typos in my post.

Args1="$1" (Args1 is script specific argument that will make script1 to spit bunch of text lines )
searchText="`$SCRIPT1 "$Args1"`" (Here i need to get first line from the script1 output which may have multiple text lines)

if [$searchText|grep "keyword" >/dev/null ]
/u01/../triggerScript "Arg2"

thanks for the post

check my earlier post.
use my first script.
it's optimal.

I have been getting these errors(after making changes). Please help

if[0 -eq 0]: command not found
syntax error near unexpected token `then'

found the cause, it was due to missing space right after the "[" for "IF" condition.