search for a pattern using grep

I am facing the below problem.

I have set of lines in which i have to search for only the line which matches with the pattren "/" only.


/*+ some text */
/*+ some text */
/* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
/* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
/* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
/* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp


SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp

the lines with /+ or / should be ignored.

i am using

egrep -w '\/' filename

but this is resulting me all the above rows.

please help.

Based on the input given .. Just give space before and after / in grep pattern ..

$ grep " / " infile
SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp

sorry i missed to mention.
the statements may or may not have spaces in between.
so this dosen't work when statements do not have space before or after /

Try this:

grep -v "^/\*" inputfile

An awk:

awk '/^\/\*/{next}'1 inputfile

its not working..
it is giving me all the lines in my file and even lines with /*.

Works for me.

$ cat inputfile
/*+ some text */
/*+ some text */
/* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
/* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
/* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
/* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp
$ grep -v "^/\*" inputfile
SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp

Try this perl one-liner:

perl -ne '(!/^\s*\/\*/)&&print' inputfile

the file has other lines also other than lines having only / like

/*+ some text */
/*+ some text */
/* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
/* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
/* Remove rows from a table of survey results. */
/* Add a survey respondent's name and answers. */
SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp
some text some text some text
some text some text some text
some text some text some text
some text some text some text

in this sace it is printing the above 4 lines also.

$ grep " \/ " input.txt
SELECT salary / commission INTO sal_calc FROM employees_temp

use the [CODE] tag from next time onwards.