Search for a particular file in the server

I need to search for a particular file pattern in the whole server. In windows we just get into start and then click on search and find the file.

How will search for the particular pattern of file in the whole server. let me know about it.
I tried using the find command will that help or is there any other command which willhelp this purpose.

find was a good idea. You could just test it by searching a file you know it exist.

find / -type f -name "yourfilename" -print

Could u plz give me an example?

For Example if my file patter is abc.lvc.* Can you let me know how i can implement the command for this ?

find . -name abc.lvc.* -print

Will find files from you current directory and all sub-directories beneath it.

find / -name abc.lvc.* -print

Will search the entire system for the files. Will take a while, and you may see errors that you do not have access to view directories.


In unix but not Windows a fullstop can mean any character or characters. It needs to be escaped with a preceding back solidus. Also you want asterisk expanded by find and not by shell.
If directories are linked at root level you will need "//" rather than "/".

find // -name abc\.lvc\.\* -print