Search and replace - pattern-based

Hey folks!

I am new to shell-scripting, but I have a problem that I would like to solve using a script. I create very large html forms, used for randomized trials. In these forms, each question is supplied with a variable that looks something like this: PROJECT_formNN
Where NN is the question number. Say I need to put in a question in the middle, the whole line of questions after this one are then put out of order.



I am not clearly but i try to write something.
For exa you have some questions in a file that named 'questions'

nn=$(wc -l <$q)
while read -r quest
   echo "$quest">PROJECT_form$NN
# cat questions
What is your name?
Where are you from?
How about?
Are you joking me?
What is your favourite singer?
# for i in {1..5}
> do
> cat PROJECT_form$i
> done
What is your name?
Where are you from?
How about?
Are you joking me?
What is your favourite singer?