search and replace characters in one string

I have lines like:

Dog Cat House Mouse
Dog Cat House Mouse
Dog Cat House Mouse
Dog Cat House Mouse

I'd like to replace characters only in $3.

H -> Z
s -> W
e -> x

Resulting in something like (where $1, $2, and $4 are not changed):

Dog Cat ZouWx Mouse
Dog Cat ZouWx Mouse
Dog Cat ZouWx Mouse
Dog Cat ZouWx Mouse

I'd guess SED might be best but I'm really new. Sorry to to include any sample code.

awk '{ gsub("H", "Z", $3); 
       gsub("s", "W", $3); 
       gsub("e", "x", $3); 
       print$0}' filename 


while read line;do
set $line
str=${1}" "${2}
tmp=`echo ${3}|sed 's/H/Z/g;s/s/W/g;s/e/x/g;'`
str=${str}" "${tmp}" "${4}
echo ${str}
done < yourfile


	my @tmp=split;
	print join " ",@tmp;
	print "\n";
Dog Cat House Mouse
Dog Cat House Mouse
Dog Cat House Mouse
Dog Cat House Mouse
awk 'BEGIN{ w["H"]="Z"; w["s"]="W"; w["e"]="x"}
{ for(i in w){ gsub( i,w,$3) }} 1' file