search a line and insert string into specific at position

Hi, guys. I have one question:

How can I search for a line with certain string in it and then insert a string into this line?
For example:

There is a file called shadow, the contents of it are below:


A variable called $user, another variable called $string. I want to search the line which has $user in it, and add $string at the beginning of the second column. If $user is brownj, and $string is STRING_, then the line will be:


I use the following code, but it doesn't work

sed 's/^$user:/$user:$string/' shadow

Can anybody help me with this?

Thank you very much for your time in advance


it is advisable not to change your shadow file like that. (however its still possible). change the password using commands such as passwd, usermod ...

hi, ghostdog74.

I am not changing the password in this way, I want to suspend the user, I add a string to the encrypted password, so the user is not able to login. I am new to Linux, so I do not really know whether or not this is a good practice. And as a practice, I could not user command like "passwd" and "usermod". Still, thanks for your reply.

Does anybody can help me with this question?

Thank you very much for your time in advance


please check the passwd and usermod man page. there are options to "suspend" user.

awk again :wink:

awk '{FS=OFS=":"}/brownj/{$2="STRING_"$2}1' shadow

Hi, ghostdog74.

I am not supposed to use commands like suspend and passwd for this exercise. :frowning:

Still, thanks for the reply. :slight_smile:


Hi, Dan.

Thanks for answering again! I will try it out.

But can you tell me what is wrong with my code? if I don't use variables in my code, it works well. For example:

sed 's/^brownj:/brownj:STRING_/' shadow

It will find brownj and replace it with brownj:STRING_.

Thanks for your time in advance


Hi, Dan.

The code doesn't work for my case, the same problem I met before with my code. It seems that I cannot pass any variable to awk and sed.


Is there anybody know how to solve this problem?

Thanks for your time in advance


sed "s/^$user:/$user:$string/" shadow
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=":"}$1 == usr {$2=str}1' usr="${user}" str="${string}" shadow

Hi, Vgersh99.

Thank you very much for your reply!
