Scripting comments

Anyone have a good link for documentation conventions for scripts?

Depends on which language, but here are some general advices : No1 , No2

Concur. I haven't seen anything too eye-opening that would be particular to scripting or any particular scripting language, but there are many good language-independent coding style guidelines and discussions on the web. Just ignore those parts where they tell the poor victims to learn to love C or Java or whatever other plague they think they have to live with.

Sorry Era, but I think C is the best language to learn the way of programming, and the best for lisibility and maintening : just if the programmer is not a fool, and have a relative general presentation with comments !

Low-level languages build character, but that doesn't mean you have to live with them if you don't want to. But this is hardly the place for an advocacy discussion (sorry for baiting you). My point was just that a good half of any typical coding guideline will be dealing with traps in any particular language; a good language doesn't have many such traps, and so it's easier for the guideline author to concentrate on substantial issues of style and comprehension. In my limited experience, few languages are good, by this definition, and even fewer of those which are will reach any level of popularity.