scripting advice

what is the good way to improve your skill in shell scripting??

Hey memphiz16

If you want to improve the scripting skills then you first have to know about the basic commands and its pros and cons.
Then what OS and what shell you are going to use, you should know.
Take help of basic command books and man installed in the unix/aix OS.


(read+practice) * extensively

what i did was pratice writing them. i would start of with something basic. then add in a IF the statement. Then start adding in more complex items to do the simple script. I failed a lot so i picked up a book read and tried again. so like ghost said pratice and reading

Also, look at other scripts and learn from them. Copy them and edit them. Learn logical operators, control structures, etc. Definitely take a look at the "Tips and Tutorials" section that the local gurus have so kindly contributed to: Tips and Tutorials - UNIX and Linux Forums

And...Practice, practice, practice, make mistakes, make some more mistakes, learn from those mistakes and have a bloody helluva FUN time in the process.
