Script which fill data in XML file


I need help for writing a script that fills already generated xml file with data from oracle database and random sequences.

For example if we have the following tags:

        <ns1:messageId>        </ns1:messageId>
        <ns1:languageCode>  </ns1:languageCode>

<messageId> should be filled with random sequence.
<ns1:languageCode> should be filled with a value from the database.

Thank you

---------- Post updated 04-07-12 at 03:03 PM ---------- Previous update was 03-07-12 at 11:53 PM ----------

I have found the following solution which is partly useful for me.

awk 'BEGIN{ print "<message>"}
{print "<ns1:messageId>"$1"</ns1:messageID>"}
{print "<ns1:languagecode>"$1"</ns1:languagecode>"}
END{ print "</message>"}' ik.dat

So using that I have first to export the queries to a file and then export the data from it in the XML.
Is there a way to export sql queries directly to the xml?

You could try lots of SELECT CONCAT("string", col, "string", col, ...) to assemble the text you want.

1 Like

Thanks for the good idea.

I will use CONCAT to export the values from the database + tags. Like this:

SELECT '<ns1:messageId>' || ' ' || seq.nextval || '</ns1:messageId>'  FROM dual;
<ns1:messageId> 22</ns1:messageId>

Could you suggest me what to use in order to add the fixed values such as <<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>> and how to export both(fixed values + result of queries) in a file?

---------- Post updated at 12:00 PM ---------- Previous update was at 10:42 AM ----------

I try to use this:

SQL> spool test2.txt
SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> begin
  2  dbms_output.put_Line('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
  3  end;
  4  /
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> SELECT '<ns1:messageId>' || ' ' || imk.nextval || '</ns1:messageId>'  FROM dual;

<ns1:messageId> 47</ns1:messageId>

SQL> spool off

And here is the result:

cat test2.txt:

SQL> set serveroutput on
SQL> begin
  2  dbms_output.put_Line('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>');
  3  end;
  4  /
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>                                          

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> SELECT '<ns1:messageId>' || ' ' || imk.nextval || '</ns1:messageId>'  FROM dual;

<ns1:messageId> 47</ns1:messageId>                                              
SQL> spool off

As I want to have only the marked in red I tried to turn off some of the settings
set termout off
set echo off
set verify off
set heading off
but it seems it didnt take effect.

How your are populating the data into xml tags,where it coming from...

---------- Post updated at 04:39 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:23 AM ----------

You are excepting this one... From the table i am spooling like...


I am not sure I understand your question at all but... the data which is populated is two types:

  1. is results of queries which come directly from the oracle database
  2. is fixed values.

I am expecting this one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ns1:messageId> 47</ns1:messageId>

Where <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> is fixed text which I just want to store in the file and <ns1:messageId> 47</ns1:messageId> is the result of the following select: SELECT '<ns1:messageId>' || ' ' || imk.nextval || '</ns1:messageId>' FROM dual;

Not clear...
why are you using select statement here..What is your input data and output data

Because I need to select a sequence or a value from the database. Instead

 SELECT '<ns1:messageId>' || ' ' || imk.nextval || '</ns1:messageId>'  FROM dual; 	

it could be

select value from table_name;  

What do you suggest to use instead of the select statement?

i am asking "What is your input data and output data"

---------- Post updated at 07:22 AM ---------- Previous update was at 07:00 AM ----------

you are excepting this one...

 SELECT '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'||chr(10) || '<ns1:messageId>' || ' ' || CATALOGS_SEQ.nextval || '</ns1:messageId>' FROM dual; 
1 Like

I use the following:

set pagesize 0;
set serveroutput on
set termout off       
set verify off     
set heading off    
set long 999
set lines 999

SELECT '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' || chr(10) ||
       '<!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2010 rel. 2 (>' || chr(10) ||
       '<HarpeML_CBS_IMX_ExchangeRate_Flow  xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="HarpeML_CBS_IMX_ExchangeRate(REF-IMX-1)_v0.0.00.xsd"  xmlns:harpeml=""  xmlns:xsi="">'||chr(10)||
       '<harpeml:orderNumber>'||''||lpad ( imk.nextval, 10, '0' )||'</harpeml:orderNumber>'||chr(10)||
       '<harpeml:dataSelectionDate>'||''||to_char(sysdate -  4,'DD/MM/YYYY')||''||'</harpeml:dataSelectionDate>'||chr(10)|| 
        FROM dual;
SELECT '<ExchangeRates>'||chr(10)||'<ExchangeRate>'||chr(10)||
        FROM dual;
SELECT  '<harpeml:baseCurrencyCode>'||abrev||'</harpeml:baseCurrencyCode>'  FROM(SELECT abrev FROM v_domaine where type = 'DEVISE' ORDER BY  dbms_random.normal)WHERE rownum = 1;
        '<harpeml:counterCurrencyCode>'||abrev||'</harpeml:counterCurrencyCode>'FROM(SELECT  abrev FROM v_domaine where type = 'DEVISE' ORDER BY  dbms_random.normal)WHERE rownum = 1;
        '<harpeml:startValidityDate>'||''||to_char(sysdate -  4,'DD/MM/YYYY')||''||'<harpeml:startValidityDate>'||chr(10)||
         '<harpeml:countryCode>'||abrev||'</harpeml:countryCode>'FROM(SELECT  abrev FROM v_domaine where type = 'pays' ORDER BY  dbms_random.normal)WHERE rownum = 1;   
        '<harpeml:exchangeRate>'||rpad ( imk.nextval, 3, '51' )||'</harpeml:exchangeRate>'||chr(10)||
        from dual;

This is the result:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2010 rel. 2 (>
<HarpeML_CBS_IMX_ExchangeRate_Flow  xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="HarpeML_CBS_IMX_ExchangeRate(REF-IMX-1)_v0.0.00.xsd"  xmlns:harpeml=""  xmlns:xsi="">
<harpeml:extractionTimeStamp>06-JUL-12 AM +03:00</harpeml:extractionTimeStamp>2</Header>





Does anyone have idea why the last block appears two times? And could you give any suggestion how to remove the empty lines from the output file?

---------- Post updated at 11:04 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:36 AM ----------

The problem with the repeating blcok is resolved. It was cause by '/' at the end of the script instead it should be 'exit', so only empty lines left.

Try run in sqlpus or TOAD. Append all sql result data into one variable try...


v_message varchar2(32767);
v_message1 varchar2(32767);


SELECT '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' || chr(10) ||
       '<!--Sample XML file generated by XMLSpy v2010 rel. 2 (>' || chr(10) ||
       '<HarpeML_CBS_IMX_ExchangeRate_Flow  xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="HarpeML_CBS_IMX_ExchangeRate(REF-IMX-1)_v0.0.00.xsd"  xmlns:harpeml=""  xmlns:xsi="">'||chr(10)||
       '<harpeml:orderNumber>'||''||lpad ( imk.nextval, 10, '0' )||'</harpeml:orderNumber>'||chr(10)||
       '<harpeml:dataSelectionDate>'||''||to_char(sysdate -  4,'DD/MM/YYYY')||''||'</harpeml:dataSelectionDate>'||chr(10)|| 
        FROM into v_message1 dual;
 v_message := v_message || v_message1;

SELECT '<ExchangeRates>'||chr(10)||'<ExchangeRate>'||chr(10)||
        FROM into v_message1 dual;

v_message := v_message || v_message1;

SELECT  '<harpeml:baseCurrencyCode>'||abrev||'</harpeml:baseCurrencyCode>' into v_message1 FROM(SELECT abrev FROM v_domaine where type = 'DEVISE' ORDER BY  dbms_random.normal)WHERE rownum = 1 ;

v_message := v_message || v_message1;

        '<harpeml:counterCurrencyCode>'||abrev||'</harpeml:counterCurrencyCode>' into v_message1 FROM(SELECT  abrev FROM v_domaine where type = 'DEVISE' ORDER BY  dbms_random.normal)WHERE rownum = 1;

v_message := v_message || v_message1;

        '<harpeml:startValidityDate>'||''||to_char(sysdate -  4,'DD/MM/YYYY')||''||'<harpeml:startValidityDate>'||chr(10)||
         '<harpeml:countryCode>'||abrev||'</harpeml:countryCode>' into v_message1 FROM(SELECT  abrev FROM v_domaine where type = 'pays' ORDER BY  dbms_random.normal)WHERE rownum = 1;   

v_message := v_message || v_message1;

        '<harpeml:exchangeRate>'||rpad ( imk.nextval, 3, '51' )||'</harpeml:exchangeRate>'||chr(10)||
        from  into v_message1 dual;

v_message := v_message || v_message1;



It is working.