Script to Whitelist IPs

Hi, we have a manual task that we would like to automate. We have a web server with restricted access through a whitelist where we manually add IPs to it by following the steps below. We would like to create a script that once it's run it would prompt the user to enter the IP. One entered, the script takes care of the rest. Your help is very appreciated. Thank you

  • ssh to server root@x.x.x.x
  • Login as user by typing su - user
  • vi /a/b/c/xx.conf (xx.conf is a file with a list of whitelisted IPs in the following format)
Allow from x.x.x.x
Allow from x.x.y.y
Allow from x.x.z.z
  • Press ctrl E to Edit the file
  • Press i to insert
  • Add new IP to the file
  • Press Escape then type :wq
  • sudo su
  • service httpd reload

Thank you


the typical questions:

  • What are your operating systems?
  • What have you tried so far?

For a start, write a script maybe with awk or sed which does the change on the server for you locally!


Hi Community, anyone can help with this?


Please answer the previously asked questions.