Script to submit a job with date parm in maestro

I'm a newbie in scripting attempting to create a script where i can submit a job (in maestro/tivoli) with parameters,in maestro CLI i can do that no problem,i'm thinking about creating a script that will accept input while the script is executing, more like below structure:

exec the script

  • what job do you want modified today? _________ in this field i can put in the date parameters
  • Is this correct? _______ Y/N - if no it will go to the next line.
  • Enter Correct date value: __________

i just need input from the experts on how to structure the script.

thank you all in advance.

The first entry in your script is:
#!/bin/bash ( for a bash shell ) or,
#!/usr/bin/ksh ( for a ksh - usual location.)

The first part of the script you are entering variables e.g.:

read =p "What job was modified today?: " job
echo $job # echos the Job entry
read -p "Is this correct Y/N?: " YN
echo $YN
yn=`echo $YN | tr [:lower:][:upper:]` # allows users to enter any CASE chars. converts to upper case ONLY!
read -p "Enter current Date: " dat
echo $dat # echos the date information just entered

Remainder of script processes the variables just entered.

So you now have a beginning point. Just add the variable processing
and the script will be complete!

Good luck!