Script to run Klocwork from Machine 1 to machine 2

I use Ubuntu 10.04 in 2 virtual machines. In one machine I have installed Hudson and another machine is to run klocwork. Scenario is when I trigger a build in Hudson, the script has to run successful and call the Klocwork in VM2. In the build script I have given the following command to call Klocwork in machine 2. Below is the script I use to call machine 2 from machine 1.

if [ $Klocwork = "true" ]; 
   echo "Starting Klocwork Report ..." sshpass -p 'password' ssh IP-address "sudo chmod 755 /localpath/;
   /local path/ $SVNID $Version" fi 
echo "Build Successfully."

when I run the script, I get Host key verification failed error. Please provide me a solution for this issue.

Please let me know, if there is any modification to be done in the script.

Sreeram B

Host key verification is probably just telling you that the hostname you're hitting showed a different key in the past. SSH manually and the error should probably pop up, then just delete the offending line from known_hosts in your ssh folder (Normally ~/.ssh/).