Script to read multiple files...

I have 7 text files of varying sizes for each month of System Maintenance done during the 2013 calendar year (Jan. 134 jobs, Feb. 84 jobs, Apr. 594 jobs, May 158 jobs, July 69 jobs, Aug. 1 job, Oct. 102 jobs) and I have another text file which contains everything from those 7 files. Each of the month files have jobs within them that failed when we started System Maintenance. Maintenance starts at 00:30am is usually over by 11am in the morning. I need a script that can read the one large file, compare it against the other 7 files, find which jobs failed each month of maintenance, and output that to another file. Currently I have all these jobs in an Excel file but I'm no Excel guru. I tried using Excel to get this information but got nowhere. This is on an AIX system using bash. Thanks in advance!!

Post sample "month files" as well as the "everything file" and desired output for them.

Unfortunately, the files are at work so I don't have access to them right now. Does my question make sense though? Not sure if I explained what I want and am looking for. Thanks for replying.

It does make sense and it should be fairly easy to accomplish if we knew the format of the files to process.

They are text files saved using Windows Notepad. But the contents would be copied over via vi in Unix and renamed according to how I described them in my original post. The numbers beside each month are how many jobs failed for that month.

Bumping to the top since I'm on a deadline...

help please

See post#2.

This one solves a specific problem that matches your vague description.

awk 'NR==FNR {a[$0]; bf=FILENAME; next} ($0 in a) {delete a[$0]; next} {print FILENAME,":",$0,"not in",bf} END {for (i in a) print bf,":",i,"not in any file"}' bigfile f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7