script to generate core if cpu is high

Hi guys,

I need a script that will generate a core of a process when the process uses high cpu for a sustained period?

So for example if a process is using greater than 80% cpu for more than 30 minutes do "gcore /var/tmp/process.core pid"

I gave a simple script , Actually I did not complete your requirement fully , but
I am quite sure that it will help you to understand the way and let you to complete this

The following is a perl script.

use strict;
use warnings;

        open FH , ">> Filename ";
while (1)
    my $cpu = `ps -U abubacker -eo "%C %c\n"|sort -n|tail -n 1`;
    $cpu =~ s/^\s*(.*)$/$1/;
        my($pid, $process)= split / /, $cpu ;

        if ( $pid > 80 )
        print FH "$pid == $process\n" ;

    sleep 5;

close FH ;