Script to find and remove characters


I have many files in a folder, and even more in the subfolders. I need a script that finds and removes certain characters (them being /n in this one) in the files in the folder and it's subfolders.

So, could someone write me a script that works in Linux, does this:

Searchs for "/n" in all files in the folder and it's subfolders.
Removes the "/n" from all the files

Thank you VERY much, I'm really a newbie in these things and I need this badly.

You may be new, but what have you tried so far?

I've been trying to google, and find the code from this forum. But, I have to say, I don't really know anything about this kind of coding, so:

I haven't really tried nothing.

I just got this task, as I'm in work atm, with "nothing better to do".

As said, if you can write me such code, I would appreciate it very much.

for i in `find . -type f`
cat $i|tr -d '\n' > newfile
mv newfile $i

I don't write code for people, I prefer to help them with their code, but there are many others here that will write the code for you, as pt14 has done.

beware of files with spaces. put quotes around `find....`
Also, quote your variables and forget about the cat.

tr -d "\n" < "$i" > newfile