Script to attach file to mail


I have a .dat file containing one line. I need a script to read that line and make it part of the body and send a mail... Let's say the line is $line. I need the script to send a mail with the body "The last disposal feed is $line".


This is a sample of how I do it:

 \"The last disposal feed is $line"| $ux2dos | \mailx -s \
   "$HOST: Aaaarghh  NO MILK !!" \

Or alternatively:

echo "The last disposal feed is `cat "${file_containing_the_line.dat}`" | mailx -s "The subject of this email was not mentioned"

Ps. For futuire posts please mention your Operating System, your Email service and what Shell you are using.

Thanks methyl, but it's not working. The error is <<unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"'>>

Edit: bash and mailx

My mistake. Extra quote.

echo "The last disposal feed is `cat ${file_containing_the_line.dat}`" | mailx -s "The subject of this email was not mentioned"