Script that will display a short message

Can anyone point me to the right direction on how to write a simple script that will display a message on any terminal when implemented?

Basically I need it so the script runs at a certain time, say April 30, 2010 and that the message will be displayed to me no matter which terminal I am logged on to. In other words, i won't be hard coding my terminal name to the script

I am thinking along the lines of --> at now (time) < myscriptfile

Working on a project but not sure how I go abouts doing this?

Many Thanks

I see 2 options here:
1) Put a line in your .profile that will write your current console to a file in /tmp, and have your script read that file
2) Something like this

who | \
awk -vuser=$USER '$1 == user && $2 !~ /:/ {print "/dev/"$2}' | \
while read term
    echo "Hello" > $term

Create a cron job using the 'write' command

write user <reminder.note

If you are logged in more than once, there are rules as to which session will receive the message.